Rocking Mental Health: The Podcast - With Jason Kehl
I'm back and I am feeling great (most days). I want to share the hope I now have with you. Let Rocking Mental Health be a Beacon of Light and Hope, shining through the dark and stormy seas, providing a guiding light to assist you in navigating your way through and towards calmer seas.
Going less scripted this go-around in hopes of giving you the most genuine me I can give you. Every awesome quirk I possess is on full display. The shows will be about the real stuff going down. Sometimes a "raw" me, as I peel another layer of mask away from my life.
And a more entertaining me. We gotta have some fun while hanging out.
I'm someone who's been in a similar spot. I would love nothing more than a chance to help lead you away from whatever darkness you find yourself in. Topics will be extremely real, *this can serve as a trigger warning of sorts if needed*, as I can't hold back and then expect to be effective for you. My hope is that, maybe, something I say can be just the something you need right then and there.
Why? You are worth every single one of my efforts.
It is OK to Not be OK. It is OK to Want to be OK. It is OK to Need Help. It is OK to Ask for Help. It is also OK to Be OK. Let's Go....
Rocking Mental Health: The Podcast - With Jason Kehl
Can You See The Real Me?
Our mind loves to bring us down. Some of these attacks can lead us to think less of ourselves. Self-esteem can drop along with self image. We can become afraid to let people see the real us. So we put on an act. I fell fault in trying to blend into the crowd I would be around. I also resorted to alcohol to deal with the ongoing battle inside me.
And then I asked for help. At that point I made a decision to go find the real me. To be someone I didn't feel I needed to hide behind. Someone I would be happy to look at in the mirror. It takes a lot of work, but it is an extremely attainable goal and I feel like I'm getting there...finally.
And you can too! We owe it to ourselves to be the best we can be. An we deserve to be the real me or or the real you or the real us.
Thank you for listening! Jason